
The government

How should to Gao oil price ages?
"At international oil price total north bound trend under the basic and explicit expectation, the government, business enterprise and consumers have to consider of a realistic problem BE, if the international oil price continuously walks over a long period of time Gao, how can China reply?This is the problem that the current finished product oil list price mechanism can not work out."University of Xiamen Chinese energy economy director, Lin Bo Qiang, in the research center points out.
Lin Bo Qiang says that if the international oil price is placed in over a long period of time the old problem of Gao Wei, crude oil price and the finished product oil price space"pour to hang" may appear once again, and accompany with to wait a phenomenon by"oil Huang", the then local finished product oil price space will also do certain adjustment."What to can affirm BE, the consumer will face a higher finished product oil price space."

